Site Scatter Plot

The Site Scatter Plot displays trend data points on an x and y-axis. This visualization enables easy display of relationships between two variables and how they change over time. Data regression line(s) can show the correlation values as a line of best fit between the two variables.  


Configuration Options:

  • Title: Set a custom viewlet title.

  • Show Legend: Toggle the legend on or off. 
  • Show Regression Line: Toggle the display of a line of best fit and choose the color of the line. 

  • X-axis: Select from available trends using either the Picker or Query mode for the X-axis. Rollup, Interval, Aggregate and Normalization options can be set per axis. 
  • Y-axis: Select from available trends using either the Picker or Query mode for the Y-axis. Rollup, Interval, Aggregate and Normalization options can be set per axis. 
  • Group By: Choose groupings for the trends selected by points or Refs.
  • Date: Fine tune when the trend's data is shown. Can be set to auto (global control), a preset date range, or a user selected date range.

This feature requires the part number PER-ANALYTIC